InícioShopHomeAll productsAirsoft guns accessoriesFlashlights, lasers and peq boxesFlashlightsEquipment FlashlightsFMA MS2000 Functional Distress Marker FMA MS2000 Functional Distress Marker36.77€ 15 em stock Quantidade de FMA MS2000 Functional Distress Marker Comprar agora Add to WishlistRemove from Wishlist Add to Wishlist REF: TB702 Categoria: Equipment Flashlights Etiqueta: FMA Identificação do produto: 57991 Descrição Descrição Fully functional copy of US strobe light = flashing. The IR cap is only a plastic imitation and thus does not fulfill the function of IR light. Powered by 2 AA batteries (not included). Produtos Relacionados Esgotado Add to WishlistRemove from Wishlist Add to Wishlist FMA DD Front Grip compatible with M-LOK – DE 12.26€ Ler mais Esgotado Add to WishlistRemove from Wishlist Add to Wishlist FMA TD Grip For Rail FG 5.88€ Ler mais Esgotado Add to WishlistRemove from Wishlist Add to Wishlist FMA DD Front Grip compatible with M-LOK – FG 12.26€ Ler mais