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APS SR-2 LRV (MB13D) plus bipod plus scope



REF: WELL0031 Categoria: Etiqueta: Identificação do produto: 58171


The replica was made of metal elements and plastic. The replica’s body, the stock and the magazine holding 30 BB pellets are made of plastic. The rest of the elements such as the barrel, the bolt, the stock’s pipe, the cocking handle, the trigger and the 22mm RIS rail are made of metal. The stock’s foot is made of rubber. After unscrewing two screws the replica is disassembled into two parts: the barrel assembly with the trigger mechanism and the replica’s body.
The ergonomic body was made of durable plastic. The comfortable pistol grip and the stock make that the replica lies in the hands perfectly and firing it is very comfortable. The stock which is adjustable with the help of pads is also very important and allows to take a comfortable position by every shooter on the condition of  adjusting its length properly. The stock’s and pistol grip’s designs are borrowed from the varieties existing in many carbines and assault rifles what makes it possible that they can be replaced whenever the user finds it necessary.
Such construction allows a full adaptation to the shooter’s anatomy and, what is followed by it – staying immobile for a longer period of time  what in the case of a sniper plays a vital role.
There is a RIS rail located on the bottom part of the body which allows to mount the bipod which is included with the set and which guarantees a better stability while firing. The barrel is ended with a flash-hider.
The set includes a scope with a 4-9 times magnification and the lens’ diameter of 30mm that is mounted on the top RIS rail. The scope itself is equipped with a set of smaller RIS rails which allow to attach additional smaller devices as a laser aiming device, for example.
The package includes:

airsoft manual replica
magazine holding 30 BBs
set of tools